Can yellow tangs fit in a 29 gallon??


I have always liked yellow tangs. right now i have one blue damsel basically to get my tank started. down the road would a yellow tang fit in my tank if i took the damsel out??


Staff member
Don't even thing that. This tang requires at least 125 gal, as well as experienced hobbyist.


Active Member
my tang is in a 125, and i want a bigger tank for him...if you put a tang in a 29 gallon you'll kill him..they need to swim around and enjoy the tank!!..there extremely active put them in a small tank they'll go nuts.

but thank you for asking before you bought it and put it in your tank!


yup, I want one too, but know its only in my dreams. That is till I get the right size tank. I'm working my way up slowly, just went from 30 to 46 gallon..


Active Member
No tangs in a 29, however, you could put a small yellow, purple, sailfin, kole, or a scopas in a 75, but be prepared to move them to a bigger home in as soon as a year when they grow older and demand more swimming room.


i never knew much about tangs except they eat alge and very well i'm not sure i want one but i m weighing my options


New Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I would not get one if you do not know much about them though. They are not an easy animal to take care of.

Wow, I wish I knew that before I bought my first yellow tang. Yellow tang is the only fish that I have in my 75 gallon tank. Hopefully it doesn't die on me. Just bought it on Wednesday.


New Member
yellow tang be fine, in 75 by his self,,
the problem will be when you want to another fish he will mostly like be aggresive toward it,, tangs you want to add last, and if you get more than one , add them all at the same time. just make sure they get a good diet of greens,,nori on clip is what i do,, in there weekly diet and you do fine. i also feed my yellow tang, several different frozen foods during the week along with flakes with garlic.

sinner's girl

This tang requires at least 125 gal,
I though min was 75gl or 6ft long?
That's what Marine Fishes says and what I've heard/read in the past (and what I've been telling people)
if you get more than one ,
but NOT more than one in a 75gl.


Yellow, blue and kole tangs can be put in 75 gallon tanks. They don't grow as quickly as other fish such as triggers and upgrading will take longer due to their size growth.


I wish I could warn you first before the Tang Police got to you. I had a yellow tang in a 55 and he did just fine. Not the ideal tank, but it worked.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ejensen
I wish I could warn you first before the Tang Police got to you.

talk about yelling " FIRE IN THE HOLE" But on this i have to agree, 29 is not big enough for any tang. I have my yellow in a 55 and it's doing great. Nice bright yellow. No problems but 29 not going to do it for a tang, sorry