Can you add live sand on top of crushed coral


Active Member
Not sure of the ultimate outcome you are looking for but in answer to your question at face value, yes you can.
Now the disclaimers
If you do this to an established tank do it in sections, maybe 1/4 of the tank then a week later another 1/4 of the tank and so on. The reasoning behind this is so that you do not bury the existing substrate all at once because the bio filter bacteria that reside in the substrat are only in the about 1/8" of the top and you don't want to kill it all by burying it. If you do it in sections the new section will have a chance to repopulate over the course of the week.
Secondly you will find that the finer sand will move to the bottom and the crushed coral will move to the top over time and what you see on the top will eventually be crushed coral again.


Originally Posted by spanko
Not sure of the ultimate outcome you are looking for but in answer to your question at face value, yes you can.
Now the disclaimers
If you do this to an established tank do it in sections, maybe 1/4 of the tank then a week later another 1/4 of the tank and so on. The reasoning behind this is so that you do not bury the existing substrate all at once because the bio filter bacteria that reside in the substrat are only in the about 1/8" of the top and you don't want to kill it all by burying it. If you do it in sections the new section will have a chance to repopulate over the course of the week.
Secondly you will find that the finer sand will move to the bottom and the crushed coral will move to the top over time and what you see on the top will eventually be crushed coral again.

well if that is the case, it would be kind of a waste, right? Since it will all settle? Thanks for the reply

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by mike&jess09
any opinions and advice will be appreciated, TIA.

I would remove the cc and replace with sand. In fact, that is what I did after I set up my first sw tank with cc many moons ago.


Originally Posted by salty blues
I would remove the cc and replace with sand. In fact, that is what I did after I set up my first sw tank with cc many moons ago.

This is our 1st SW tank, and we really could not decide what we want sand or coral........we went with the coral, and now we want the live sand.......
here is a pic of what our tank looks like now....we have 2 false clowns and 1 banngai cardinal


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mike&jess09
This is our 1st SW tank, and we really could not decide what we want sand or coral........we went with the coral, and now we want the live sand.......
here is a pic of what our tank looks like now....we have 2 false clowns and 1 banngai cardinal
I did exactly the same thing. I started with the crushed coral and THEN wanted live sand, here is my method:
Put your fish in heated tubs of the water from the tank. Put the rock in another tub with water from the tank just to keep it. Heat that too, it will save time to reset everything back up.
Remove the old crushed coral...add your sand, put the water and rock back into the tank...let it all settle then slowly add (the fish after reacclimating them) and water from the fish tub back into the tank.
I had some fresh saltwater on hand that sat 24 hours to do a 20% water change while I was at it.


in the long run you will much better off with the sand. In order to keep the costs down I used a 75 25 split with the 75 being sand. I have been happy with the appearance.
once again if you are going to mix the two do it in sections I would do half and then the other 4 days later not to upset your biological filtration. test your water daily and if your don't have an spike in amonina by day 3 your safe to do the other half.