Can you find the blenny??


OK, so it's not hard to find him. :D I just wanted to share the coolest addition to my 28 gal. I think he kinda looks like Godzilla but in a cute sorta way. He is lots of fun to watch as he cruises the tank and nibbles on the rocks and glass.
Anyway, here he is...



I have had my about a week and also really enjoy him.It eats all day long and it seems to have doubled in size already.



Originally posted by trigger reid
very nice he almost blend in witht the rocks you can hardly tell the difference between the rocks and him

It usually takes me a few minutes to find him because he does blend in so well.


Gosh I love those fish... They are so cool looking and have great personalities to boot.

tru conch

Active Member
have fun with him. they are cool fish
my lmb favorite perch was on top of the nori so he could eat whenever it fancied him. they are pigs when it comes to chow.


We've had one for about two weeks now. He's full of grace and charm - NOT. He eats like a pig. I LOVE to watch him chow. We named ours - I should say my husband named ours Moe. They are just the best for entertainment. I'd love to get mine eating out of my hand!!!!:)