Can you frag a Duncan?


I had my Duncan for a few months. When I purchased it, it had one head and four "buds." Now all four buds are about as big a nickles and with the original head it looks overcrowded. It's healthy and doing great. Question is, should I try to frag the heads, or is this normal for a Duncan? -OR- Will they bud off on their own? Input please...........:)


Active Member
i would only frag it if you plan on propagating them, to trade or sell. otherwise, iw ould just leave it as one big piece.


Active Member
i bought three polyps of a Duncan and now i have seven. Viper told me that they will slowly split off and seperate ... i wouldn`t even try to frag them till then ...


Active Member
You can leave it as is if you want. As Steve said the buds would eventually split off and begin to branch much like a frogspawn or torch does.
If you want to frag it you should use a dremel with a diamond wheel. Don't use snippers or try cracking the braches off because the skeleton is extremely fragile and will shatter. With the dremel just use a high speed so it's a quick clean cut.


Active Member
Viper, thanks for your earlier help about Duncans...
mine has grown alot since i started feeding it 2-3 times a week



Active Member
Be certain that the polyp is in tact, partial polyps or ones that are cut open will die.{they need their gut to eat}


Thanks for the info guys. I will leave it alone. Like I said it started to look crowded and this being my first piece, I wasn't sure what to do. I will continue to feed (it eats like a pig, about every other day) and will leave it be. Thanks again to all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by steve24
Viper, thanks for your earlier help about Duncans...
mine has grown alot since i started feeding it 2-3 times a week

No problem Steve.
I must admit I've been slacking off of feedings though.