can you give corals freshwater dips?


Active Member
Hey guys,
I was advised to give my polyp corals a freshwater dip because something is disturbing them. im wondering if you advise to do this to remove any type of parasite, also will it hurt the coral?


Active Member
Sure you can. Thing's like zoas and simliar coral get up... protozoans... spelling? Which can be cured with iodine dips or freshwater dips. I personally did freshwater dips on all my different zoas when I was having problems with them. I put them in a bucket'o'freshwater for like.. er... I think it was 3 minutes.. I forget though.. then took them out and placed them right back in the water.
Doing it for too long will of course hurt the coral and possibly kill it.. thats why you only do it for a few minutes.


Active Member
Yeah this is a great habit to get into when getting new corals I'm learning myself here recently... I had a nudibranch attack on some button polyps I scored last weekend. Freshwater baths will make all the unwanted critters scatter and die so you can confidently introduce corals into your system without worrying about adding pests.