can you go without a filter?


Active Member
can you go without a filter? I have a skimmer and about 60 pounds of LR in my 29 gallon. I know LR will filter some of the water, and i cant afford a sump right now and i really dislike looking at all that stuff on my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mopar9012
can you go without a filter? I have a skimmer and about 60 pounds of LR in my 29 gallon. I know LR will filter some of the water, and i cant afford a sump right now and i really dislike looking at all that stuff on my tank.
Really depends on the bio load. 29 gallon tank, maybe 3 small fish with that amount of LR and a skimmer you might be ok. Definately have to do more frequent water changes though.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by mopar9012
can you go without a filter? I have a skimmer and about 60 pounds of LR in my 29 gallon. I know LR will filter some of the water, and i cant afford a sump right now and i really dislike looking at all that stuff on my tank.
how the heck did fit 60 lbs of rock in ur 29gal??? :jumping:


60 pounds of rock 1 gallon of water lol
love to see a picture
anyway. with that much rock and a good cleanup crew. decent skimmer i dont see why a filter would be needed. I run a sump/fuge i suppose thats a filter of sorts but not a mechanical one. i do run a hot magnum on my sump to run carbon once an a while.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by WHO DEY
how the heck did fit 60 lbs of rock in ur 29gal??? :jumping:
same way i fit 70lbs of rock in my 29g. you start at the middle of tank then work your way back kind of like a piramid. i still have some room in the back for some rubble. :happyfish

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by mopar9012
can you go without a filter? I have a skimmer and about 60 pounds of LR in my 29 gallon. I know LR will filter some of the water, and i cant afford a sump right now and i really dislike looking at all that stuff on my tank.
yes, i'm doing it but i only have 2 fish and my tank is 29g sps dominated. i've had an emperor 400 since i started my tank 2 yrs ago. but now i only use it for water flow and use carbon once a month to crystalize water. strong current,protein skimmer lr & ls. water changes weekly 5g.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
same way i fit 70lbs of rock in my 29g. you start at the middle of tank then work your way back kind of like a piramid. i still have some room in the back for some rubble. :happyfish
any room for fish to swim happily???


Active Member
i only have a clown fish and a coral beauty. Right now there is only 45 pounds of rock in there, i have 12 more curing in another tank. Not exactly 60 but close.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by WHO DEY
any room for fish to swim happily???
you bet, i have two little fish. they have somuch room and caves (they make usama jeleous )i think about adding more fish. but fish is not my objective. i would have set up fowl if i wannted to keep fish. my tank is a critters and corals dominate.


Active Member
You bet yoou can. The only thing I have on any of my tanks is a skimmer and a hob filter used mainly as a means to provide flow as well as a place to put AC if needed etc. If yu have liverock at 1.5 or more pounds gal thats all the filter you need. I have a 90 with a heap of rock and its going on 9 years old and its never had a filter in it of any type, and there is lots of fish. My larger tanks have filters o nly because i had them and I can not afford to stock live rock in each and every tank I have up so my 210 and 150 all run filters.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
you bet, i have two little fish. they have somuch room and caves (they make usama jeleous )i think about adding more fish. but fish is not my objective. i would have set up fowl if i wannted to keep fish. my tank is a critters and corals dominate.

arent you the one who has the 29 gallon with 70 pounds of LR? I really liked your tank, i have about 45 pounds and theres lots of holes in between rocks. Is there any certain way you staked your rock?

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mrs. Crabtree
Aztec Reef? El Conquistador?
You spend time on Montezuma Mesa?
yea i have actually but it was about 10 years ago.. when i lived in mexico thats were i was born "ACAPULCO"
to be exact.


Active Member
With live rock and a skimmer you should be ok but I would also run some type of sponge filter to collect debri. without that your tank may get a lot of particulate matter.