Can you have too many bristle worms?



I have had the same tank up and running for 7 years or so and didn't notice any bristle worms till about 6 months ago playing in the sand while I was cleaning.
Tonight, I turned my light back on after they had been off a half hour and saw them climbing all over the rock. I had to have seen 30-50 in clear sight in my 37 gallon bow. They are all small, about an inch in length and skinny. I read they are beneficial, but can you have too many?
I couldn't get a good picture, but here is a picture from google and they look just like it.


Active Member
In short no you can’t have to many. They increase and decrease with their food source. So if you think there are many more now then maybe some change has increased their food.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeoJ
In short no you can’t have to many. They increase and decrease with their food source. So if you think there are many more now then maybe some change has increased their food.
Agree 100%
Don't worry about your bristleworms. Think of them as disgusting little elves that clean your tank at night.


Active Member
excess bristle worms are an indicator of excess nutrients (as are the spirorbid worms in the pic). you wont see anything like 30-50 in a low nutrient 37g. you'd see maybe one or two ducking back in the rocks when you flashed the lights on or in the sump. when they are plentyful OR bold (like coming out in broad artificial tank light during feeding to feed with everybody else) nutrients should be addressed. the ONLY time I've seen multiple bristle worms was when my tank was overstocked and overfed (not the current one, two tanks ago). when I fixed that they went right back to out of sight and out of mind.


Active Member
Any coral banded or cleaner shrimp will grab them up if they can find them -- at least they do in my tank --- all my bristle worms live in the sump as the rest get eaten.


Thanks. I won't worry about them. As I mentioned, the picture was not mine as I couldn't get a clear one so the spiral worms aren't mine. I do not see any bristle worms in the daytime, so I would not call them bold. My tank is definitely not overstocked, as I lost my three lonely inhabitants while I was away on vacation. The tank could have been overfed while I was gone as it was a first time fish care for my friend. I may have had them for a long time, I just don't make a habit of turning the lights back on after they go to bed. I do have a cleaner shrimp and 1 or 2 crabs, so if they like them, there is a smorgasbord waiting!