Can you have too much water flow?


Right now I have a protein skimmer, a fluval canister, and a maxijet 1200 all contributing to the water flow. The maxijet is focused on the live rock. I also have an Eheim wet/dry that's not working at the moment.
The fish don't seem to mind although they get blown around from time to time which is kinda funny. How will plants/corals react to this much water flow? I know they like some. Too much? Not enough?


20 to 30 times your tank size is generally good; but you don't list your tank size
Or the flow rate of said items (IE the skimmer, what size/type?). So how big is the tank all these are in?
If it is the tank in your Profile (75 Gal) then 20 times would be 1500 Gallons per hour; and 30 times would be 2250 Gallons per hour. Add up what items you have moving the water for your total turnover. It can also be effected by what is pointing where so angle different outputs to remove dead spots, etc.
P.S. Where are you in Maryland?


Active Member
its too much flow only if ur fish and corals cant stay in one place. most shroom dont like too much flow. if ur fish r not inhibited by the flow, i'd say its ok.


too much flow to me is when your sand doesnt stay in its place. other than that you cant have too much flow, skimmers and canister filters really do not provide any type of useful flow in my opinion, so pretty much the only thing you have for flow in your 75g is the maxi jet wich is less than 300gph . wich is not alot, i had 2 maxi's in my 58g and it was like the water was standing still. you should consider a Sureflow mod for your maxi ,i just got one and its pumpin out approximately 1500gph. it all depends if you have fish only tank then flow is not really an issue to go crazy over.


I guess it just looks like a lot since I added the pump. Now when I feed the fish the food blows all over the place.
I guess I'm a little short then. I need to get a new pump head for my eheim and I'll look into getting another pump to blow on the bottom. It seems like too much because the fish don't want to swim where the water flow is stronger now.


For feeding times you can turn off your maxijet so that the fish can feed easier. Just shut it down for about 10 minutes; then fire it up again when the fish have gotten most of it.
You just want to keep an eye on the bottom so you don't get too much waste build-up there.
Also; if you have a Fowlr or fish only tank then flow is not as important. It matters far more when you are talking about reef systems that have filter feeders in them.


I'm getting ready to add some reef elements, that's why I'm increasing the flow.
I've been talking about it for over a year but my tank was disabled by coppersafe (the worst mistake I ever made with my tank). Now the copper is gone and my inverts are thriving, so I'm going to add t5 lighting and try a coral or two and see what happens.
With the flow I currently have, nothing stands still. Even algae in the back corner where nothing is directed blows around. Maybe it's because I have so many rocks or something. I have on 80 lb. hollow rock that acts as a cave and 40 lbs. of live rock, plus a couple coral skeletons and barnacles.


Originally Posted by Gillyweed
20 to 30 times your tank size is generally good; :
Thanks Gilly, we are upgrading from a 55 reef to a 150 and you answered one of our questions. We have a 1000 gph for the sump/fuge return and were planning on adding another pump for more flow. We don't want to have any equipment in the display so are thinking of splitting the return and adding another pump for more flow.


With a tank the size of a 150 I would suggest you take a look at doing a closed loop system with that second pump instead. It will give you more variance with more outlets; and still keep the equipment out of the tank.
Look up CLS or closed loop in the DIY thread for ideas


Active Member
Originally Posted by k8eydid
Thanks Gilly, we are upgrading from a 55 reef to a 150 and you answered one of our questions. We have a 1000 gph for the sump/fuge return and were planning on adding another pump for more flow. We don't want to have any equipment in the display so are thinking of splitting the return and adding another pump for more flow.
a 1000gph pump isnt really that much. take into accoun the head loss, and your down to between 600 and 800gph. now split that because your gunna split the return and your at two outlets each between 300 and 400 gph. which is not a lot at all.
if your bulkhead/overflow can keep up with it, id go with a bigger return pump.
then look into the sequence pumps for a closed lopp sytem. i ws gunna do a hammerhead on my 110, something similar would do a good job imo on a 150.