Can you help ID this.....


I have a 75 gallon tank that has been up since December. I have noticed for the last couple of weeks some pink/reddish stuff on my sand and on my rocks. I thought what was on my rocks could be what I think is called coraline (could be wrong) but since its now growing on my sand, I'm clueless. Can you help? I think its algea, and if it is, what can I do to rid of it?


It seems kind of crunchy when I pick it up. Its not slimy, so like you, I thought it may be coralline. Is that a good thing?


Active Member
i was going to say a firefish goby but than noticed than thats not what your asking about. i also think its coralline


To me it looks like its dying and flaking off of the rocks, not growing on it. Notice how it isn't flush with the sand.


it actually started on the sand before it made its way to the rock. I don't know how fast coraline grows, but its covering my rocks pretty quickly now. i've noticed a large increase in just the past few days. I hope its nothing bad :(


I noticed something new about this stuff and would like your opinions to continue. I moved the powerhead and it blows off of the rock very easily. Its very grainy like sand when I touch it and it rubs right off. Any thoughts? Its really growing.


Well just thought I would give an update. The red slime is now gone. I was at the LFS and was asking questions about a chocolate star fish and she said that they would eat the red slime. Well, I bought 2 and what do you know, its gone in less than 2 days. They seem to be doing rather well too. I also bought 4 turbo snails and they have had a feast as well. Just want to say thanks to everyone that responded.


Active Member
i hope you are feeding them because other wise they will most likely starve to death.


Should I feed them anything special? Feed them a special way? I read online that flakes were fine for them. Any suggestions?


Chocolate chip stars really need a more mature should really bring them back, and maybe look stuff up before you listen to your lfs again....