Can you ID any of these Coral?


The first one looks like frogspawn, the next two are leathers, the third is some type of acropora. The forth is capnella and maybe sinularia. The last pic is hard to tell, but I'm going to guess that it's a mumps leather.
Good luck.


Active Member
It is a hard coral of some kind. I was thinking Galaxea? but really have no clue. It has short hairs about 1mm long....


It's definately not galaxea. If it's not a leather, then my next best guess would be encrusting porites. Is there a better pic you might be able to get of the polyps? The texture of the coral just doesn't seem right for a hard coral. It's not spongy at all? The more I look at it the more it looks like a leather to me.
Good luck


Does the base look similar to a skeleton? Or is it actually a soft coral? If the base is indeed a hard like a skeleton, then I'm sticking with frogspawn.


Active Member
I'd agree with bdubbya. If it's soft, carnation, hard, frog. It just looks to me like it has little fluffy polyps like carnations do when they are mad and mostly closed up.


Active Member
Is the one in the 3rd pic hard or soft? Looks like devil's hand type leather(soft) or possibly a montipora digitata(hard) with his polyps in.


Active Member
The third one is hard. I have frogspawn in the tank as well and they are completely different.
I am taking a new picture. maybe that will help.. The algae is covering about 3in of its skeletal base.


Active Member
Ok if it's hard that other one is likely montipora. Now this new set of pics of the first coral has me stumped!


Active Member
I have never seen it before. It looks like Galaxea just because of the blue/white tips on the fingers... It is an odd one for sure. But nowhere big enough to be frogspawn. Hopefully, someone out there will know. Thanks for the help I appreciate it...


for future info this is a galaxy skeleton. From this you can get an idea of what they look like closed