can you ID my anemone


i posted a thread about him gettin eaten. hes still alive and looks ok. pretty stressed but im not givin up. this picture is before his "injury" what do you think it is?


looks kinda like a young condylactice, thats a real pretty one, but i seen something else in that picture i dodnt like, its at the top of your rock collum and they only do that if they arnt getting enough light, they like to be at the sand, and that choco star...they eat corals encluding anemones


i just recently got the anemone and kinda put him there but if you think he would have moved into a differant spot within like... a week then im sure youre right about his getting a lack of light because what i did was buy two

in mini compact floresent 50/50 "coral life" bulbs. I only have a five gallon tank.
and he did get eaten by the chocalate chip star fish but he looks like hes gonna be ok


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rod Buehle
what make you think its a condylactus and not a bubble tip?

I thought it looked like a BTA from the pic but wasn`t certain so I didn`t say anything .


becuase i have a condylactis and rose bubble tips, he isnt a RBT, condylactis can be almost any color, and with that pic it looks like that anomone is probly 1-1.5 inches, i like my condylactis nothing wrong with haveing them, but clown fish do not host them if anything my clowns attack them but they are very hardy and get very big...on that color part...his color will change depinding on the light he is given, when they are babys like that one they are much brighter i dont know why but they are. when get gets alittle bigger he will be whiter color with almost glowing purple tips and mybe a bright orange stump (foot) as for why i dont belive its a BTA is becuase even when BTA tinticals are deflated they are not that shape


Originally Posted by Dawman
I thought it looked like a BTA from the pic but wasn`t certain so I didn`t say anything .
same. At least i can say it is deffinately not a C. gigantia their tenticles are tapered (fat at the bottom to skinny at the top.) There is several types of condylactius though i am not as familiar with the other types.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefmate75
becuase i have a condylactis and rose bubble tips, he isnt a RBT, condylactis can be almost any color, and with that pic it looks like that anomone is probly 1-1.5 inches, i like my condylactis nothing wrong with haveing them, but clown fish do not host them if anything my clowns attack them but they are very hardy and get very big...on that color part...his color will change depinding on the light he is given, when they are babys like that one they are much brighter i dont know why but they are. when get gets alittle bigger he will be whiter color with almost glowing purple tips and mybe a bright orange stump (foot) as for why i dont belive its a BTA is becuase even when BTA tinticals are deflated they are not that shape

Well , there is something wrong with having them as they eat fish . Also it is rare but some clowns do accept them for a host . Also small BTAs can have tentacles like the one pictured .


From what i read some condys will accept certain wrasses and cleaner shrimps. Clownfish do not live in the atlantic so they do not know clowns in the wild. And yes they can and some do eat fish, some don't and some even do have clowns host this is a tricky situation though. You have three things that can happen. (in not particular order)
1 they are indifferent to eachother.
2 the clowns hosts the anemone
3 the anemone eats the clowns.
Different people will tell you different things as to what order they may happen in. I suggest you watch closely, see what happens and be prepared to make a move if you need to if you are going to keep them in the same tank.