Can you ID this with no pic

Well today I was staring into my tank and I saw something on all of the walls of the tank. They look like fish scales, they like 2mm all around.
Then I looked really really close at the back of my fish tank behind my live rock and saw these little bugs, there white and look like the have two antennae in the front.
Any suggestions of what they are

yosemite sam

Active Member
Are you talking about the same thing in both cases (the scale-like things and the bugs with antennae)? Do they move? The are likely some type of pod, or perhaps spirorbid worms if they don't move?


small snails? i have a ton of them in my tank, about the size of a scael, are they small whitish with little brown spots on them? if so probly the same snail i have
The first suggestion was no its not a flatworm but can someone post a pic of a sandskimmer or something like that, for some reason my computer cant see pictures
And yes the second picture is right yea the bugs look like that


Active Member
ok copepods and amphipods = good. Food source and actually do some cleaning by eating the stuff they do.
Let's try the first one again. Could be hydroid medusa. Look like this?