Can you identify photo of algae


Looks like bubble algae. Don't pop the bubbles or the spores will spread all over the tank. I think emerald crabs will eat it, but am not sure.


Active Member
Are the bubble attached to the stalks, or not?
If yes, some type of caulerpa. Not sure where that came from.
If not, then yes, bubble algae.


Active Member
cyanobacteria, the bubbles are 02 bubbles trapped in the algae, though some of the bubbles on the rocks could also be bubble algae. if your blowing it off the rocks with a powerhead its not caulerpa.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
cyanobacteria, the bubbles are 02 bubbles trapped in the algae, though some of the bubbles on the rocks could also be bubble algae. if your blowing it off the rocks with a powerhead its not caulerpa.
Whoops. Got focused on the pictures and missed that in the OP.


that is definitly bubble algea. Dont pop them cause they spread like wildfire. looks like they are poping cause thats a pretty big outbreak in an area. I had that problem a while ago and I removed the LR and did a clean wash on them. I also added like 6 green crabs in the tank that cleaned off the ones I couldnt get too. good luck with that.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
cyanobacteria, the bubbles are 02 bubbles trapped in the algae, though some of the bubbles on the rocks could also be bubble algae. if your blowing it off the rocks with a powerhead its not caulerpa.
+1 looks like cyano to me too.