Can you move a feather duster?

Found 3 hitchhiker feather dusters on a piece of LR and wanted to know if I can remove them and place them on another rock.
Thanks in advance! :)


why wold you want to ? i say if they like it there . leave em alone.. if they dont like it where you put the rock with them at, they will move on their own ,...


Active Member
Kzlen is absolutely right. They also *i believe* have some way of sticking onto water they want to hang onto. I know they grab it but when I moved mine :( it seemed like i was prying it from something even after bending it. Sadly, mine did not survive and it later wiltered away. I seriously do not recommend doing so.
I was considering it b/c the rock I found them on is becoming overrun with red valonia (again for those of you that remember). So I want to take the rock out, before the algae spreads, but want to keep the dusters. I want to take the rock out either way so I'll see if I can carefully move them somehow.

Originally posted by Kzlen
why wold you want to ? i say if they like it there . leave em alone.. if they dont like it where you put the rock with them at, they will move on their own ,...

Actually, I just re-read your reply and I think I know what I'll do instead.. maybe I'll just move the rock to a really unfavorable area in the tank and see if they dive off on their own.


yeah try that first, put it in a high current area, or a real dark spot.. but i know one of my feather dusters loves the light, and one hides in a tiny cave with just a touch of light near him, none of mine like alot of water flow. they are soo tiny
the best bet is probably a high current area, they will probably hide most the time and get tired of the current and bail out to some where more desirable
How big is the rock? can you pull out the valonia with some water tweezers i wonder? My rocks grew bubble algae, green hair and the red valonia , i got from here. not sure what im going to do to take care of it . I did get some calupra algae. guess that just goes along with the hobbie ......

Originally posted by Kzlen
yeah try that first, put it in a high current area, or a real dark spot.. but i know one of my feather dusters loves the light, and one hides in a tiny cave with just a touch of light near him, none of mine like alot of water flow. they are soo tiny
the best bet is probably a high current area, they will probably hide most the time and get tired of the current and bail out to some where more desirable
How big is the rock? can you pull out the valonia with some water tweezers i wonder? My rocks grew bubble algae, green hair and the red valonia , i got from here. not sure what im going to do to take care of it . I did get some calupra algae. guess that just goes along with the hobbie ......

Thanks for the suggestion. It's a shame b/c the rock is a nice 10" maybe 3 - 4 lb piece.... I just dont want the valonia spreading so I'd rather take the piece out all together.