can you put 2 different maroon clown together?


Active Member
can i add another 4 to 5 inches maroon clown with this list
snowflake 24"
lion fish 6" to 8"
clown trigger 3 "
niger trigger 5"
yellow tang 4" and 6"
powder blue tang 6"
maroon gold stripehclown 3 1/2 "
harlequin tusk 5"
lunare wrasse 5"
dragon wrasse 6"
porcupine puffer 5"
toby puffer 5"
2 hermit crab 1 1/2 "
on 4'wide x 3'depth x 30" high in wall tank
or get a emperor angel con's very expensive and i have no experience with this large angel my first choice before...
or miniatus grouper for extra red color and hardiness...and a humu humu trigger for my last(hopefully)? any suggestion...


Active Member
Your GSM might not like it, and at that size i would worry about them fighting and causing stress for the rest of the tank. But your tank sounds pretty big so its really hard to say?? You could always try with cation. Goodluck to ya


Active Member
I'd say no. YOur existing maroon is probably female and won't like it if you add another female, which is what this other clown probably is.
As for the angel, your tank is not big enough for it and a little crowded as is. They need lots of swimming room and need it least a 6' long tank.


Two maroons don't make a great pair... unfortunately I found this out the hard way. Luckily I was able to seperate them and return them both for a pair of clarkiis. One of my clarkiis is hosting in my condi. Yeah!