can you tell me what this is


can any one tell me what this is.
I think it is sum kind of algaes. how do i get rid of it any help.



Looks like cyanobacteria a.k.a red slime algae. If you do a search for it on here you will get alot of info. Did you use tap water to fill your tank?? If so this is most likely the source. I'd test for phosphates and nitrates chances are high you have one of the 2 since RSA feeds off these. If so, they sell removal media for phosphates that you can buy and water changes should help too. If you did use tap water, stop now or it will keep returning. Good Luck. :joy:


Sorry did not get back to you out of town. i am not using tap water i have a ro/di. tested water for nitrate and phosphate nitrate tested 0ppm and PO test .05 if that makes any scents using red sea test for PO very hard to test with. Beth thanks for the link sum good info .


Staff member
I also had this in my tank and at one point it reached plague proportions. I used chemiclean which worked, but eventually it came back. Then, I made sure that I kept up with changing out my lamps and reduced the time the lights were on, and that solved the problem. Basically, you kinda have to figure out what is causing it, and then eliminate, or reduce, the cause. Like everything in the tank, this is really just a another natural tank flora....but when not kept in check, it can reach plague porportions.


Active Member
i'll post a pic, but my queen conch's love this and graze on it all day.
i've been actually letting it grow for them to eat and its definately not diatoms. My tank was covered in it, until i got them. I have 3 i think i will get a few more.
They have doubled in size in the 2 months ive had them.