Candy Cane

I have a 10g, it has been up for about 5 months...I am running a 36W Coralife PC lighting, I have no powerheads, just Penguin 150 BIO-Wheel filter, which imo gives much flow through the tank considering its small, so my question is is that enough light for a candy cane in a 10g? I have a nice spot on top of a rock right near the filter...I've read they need strong flow.
What type of bulbs do you have in it? CC's need fairly intense lighting but it will probably be fine since there is a decent amount of watts per gallon. That bio wheel isn't going to produce enough water movement. I would stick with zoo's and shrooms, you'll have more luck.


Active Member
Thats right on the brink, if i were you, I'd probably do polyps and shrooms all over and one candy right near the top in front of the filter and it will do fine. (assuming you have a 50/50 bulb)
I have one lime green mushroom and one purple, one Devil hand, one green open brain, and 6-7 polyps right now, asst. snails asst. hermits and two clowns. I plan to add a Sun Coral, I have a nice cave shady spot for it, other then that I am not sure what other coral I'm going to pick up at my LFS when I make my trip tomorrow to pick up Salt, two peppermint shrimp to kill the anem. pests, and a yellow watchman goby. I have 2 18W JBJ Blue bulbs on my 10g, I do like the Candy Cane corals, but if they won't be okay in my tank I don't want them. I'll look around for something else, thanks for your help.


Active Member
2 clowns and a watchman goby would be overstocking that tank. I would just do the 2 clowns, which is also overstocking it, but you have them and it seems to be running good. The candy cane might be iffy, but if you could get a small frag of it and let it grow out, you would be able to tell or not, and it might not cost you too much.