Candy Canes


About a week or two ago, I got a small frag of Candy Cane Coral. It appears to be doing wonderfully. I am adding DT's to the tank as well as spot feeding this coral. I noticed that it actually looks like it eats somewhat like an anemone and then afterwards, it inflates more and some little thread like thingys come out. I've also noticed that when eating, the base of the Candy Cane actually moves or pulses, something I have not seen it do and it's rather strange as the base is bone like. Each "mouth" puffs up but there are two small ones that I cannot get the food into so they remain the same. Is this okay? I'm also adding Reef Plus to the tank 2 times a week. I also got an anemone who aggressively feeds on a brine shrimp/DT mix. I have never had an anemone that eats like this one! He basically grabs the eyedropper, more like an octopus would grab his prey! Just wondering what the Candy Cane is doing and if this is normal?? I don't have any experience with these magnificent creatures and I guess I was just assuming the Candy Cane was something pretty to look at and that's all. The second pic is of the candy canes after feeding when they're puffed up. Note, the mouths to the left (2 smaller ones) are the ones I cannot get food into that I'm concerned about! The first pic is before feeding, the second is after.



Active Member
My Candy Canes usually extend their feeder tentacles right after my MH goes off and only my actinics are on. At that point I can spotfeed most of the heads (I have about 15 heads) with one squirt of a turkey baster partially filled with mysis, cyclopeeze, or other food of choice. Depending on which food I use, it also feeds the rest of the tank.
Direct feeding to these corals is not absolutely necessary, but doesnt hurt in moderation. I try to spot feed them about once every two weeks, however I understand that feeding them up to every other day is not out of the question.