candy coral question


Active Member
I have a candy coral and the other day I fed it the same stuff I feed my fish. Its a mixture of brine shrimp and some dried seaweed a little Zoe and photoplankton that way the corals can feed at the same time. Well i notices the candy coral opened up to eat the shrimp. It got a piece of seaweed stuck in it's mouth. I thought it would be fine. Well today 3 days later that head looks like it's dying. It is half it's normal size and is hard. Any thoughts


Not sure about the health of your coral, but for what its worth, I never directly feed mine and its doing great. Its in a fairly illuminated part of the tank (100 gal with 440W of VHO). I do dose 5tsp of DT Phytoplankton every other day as well, but I don't do anything special to directly feed the candy coral (or any of my other corals for that matter).
Hope yours pulls through. One bit of hope with candy corals is that the death of one polyp does not usually effect the rest of the colony.


I feed my candyt coral all the time. I feed mine a mixture of brine , zooplankton, and marine cuisine. What I do is turn off the powerheads and use a syringe/turkey baster a just squirt it so it will fall on the heads. The coral will extend it's feeder tentcles and open it mouths. Dont give up on the coral if one of the heads dies. Mine was in bad shape when I bought it and now it is looking a lot better these days.

July 12, 2002