candy coral


Active Member
What kind of lighting does candy coral prefer. I have 2 96 watt bulbs. Does the candy coral like to be near the top of the tank near the bulbs or the middle or bottom, or in the rocks and not being "hit" directly with light? Thanks.


i have had a caulastrea furcata for about four months now. from my experience, they're not particularly picky about the lighting, but they like low to moderate current. mine are about 12-18" from my 12000K halides, in an area where the main jet from the powerhead passes them without causing excessive current. they are very hard, can easily be fed, and even tolerate you moving them from time to time until you find them a permanent home. hope this helps...


absolutely! they are NOT sessile fact, that it why you sometimes hear of anemones being shredded by powerheads! they are very mobile and interesting animals...very cool, very nice addition to a tank :)


hey...ixnay that last post. i read the previous guy's comments and thought we were talking about anemones...candy coral do NOT move :) sorry about that :)


Active Member
ok thanks...I was getting kinda shocked by seeing 2 people be so sure of something I was 99.9% sure was incorrect! candy coral seems to be losing color...he was powder as blueish...any thoughts? I use phytoplankton in my tank daily.


Just justing Phyto. is not always enough... you need to use a good phyto. If you are using Marine Snow you might as well just poor water in the tank.
Now for those that are going to argue... I have had the stuff on a mass spec and the readings said the product was between 95 - 98% water.
Kent marines is okay but the best stuff is sold by these guys
Hope that helps


well, i use DTs live phytoplankton in my tank. i've had really good luck with it, but i also try to feed the candy coral small pieces of silversides when the sweepers are out. hope this helps...


Is that comapny still in business?? I would be interested in that phyto. The URL directs to a domain registration page.
Ive had mine for a while, they are multiplied to the point where next month I am going to frag a few of them off. I feed Phytoplankton and in the mornings when they have sweeper tentacles extended I give them Brine Shrimp(frozen). They seem very happy and readily split like a Cell in the old science movies. Mine are a dark brown with flourescent centers.