canister filter in saltwater tank?


Active Member
i was told not to bc canister filters are bad for some chemical levels. everyone told me to use a refugium or a sump..


Active Member
dont take my recommendations without looking at others. I am getting a custom refugium made. I am fairly new to saltwater tanks so I dont want to give false information. I am basically relaying what I heard from others back to you.
With a refugium, instead of the detritus and uneaten food gets stuck in a mechanical filter where it decays. Where as in a fuge, all this material settles within the rock and the sand, where copepods and aphipods will feed on the material. As a result, and since there are no fish in the refugium, the micro crustaceans multiply, which gives you a natural food source and biodiversity of the aquarium.
What are the benefits of refugiums? (I googled this..)
Refugiums provide many benefits to saltwater or reef aquariums. They:
Provide existing aquarium inhabitants with natural food sources such as phytoplankton and zooplankton
Filter water naturally (dramatically lowering nitrate and phosphate levels) and decrease the frequency of water changes that are needed
Stabilize water conditions (especially oxygen level and pH)
Help control algae growth in the existing aquarium
Add trace elements back into existing aquarium water
Serve as temporary acclimation tanks for new inhabitants
May possibly aid the immune systems of fish (it is speculated that many species of macroalgae release compounds into the water that boost immunity in fish)
After development, provide considerable aesthetic value to the system


Active Member
i mean i took the lazy way out of it bc i dont think i have the patience to build a refugium. A complete system that involved everything, 20 gal tank, overflow, return pump, skimmer, and light + tubing costed me 240 with shipping.
CA 2200 pump
aqua line 75 skimmer
I mean if i built it myself, I took all the calculations down and at most i was saving 50-70 dollars.


Active Member
go to ----, search refugiums and you will find a someone with the name DIY-TECH. email them, and say that u heard that they make custom fuges. tell them what u need, Jeff will give you a quote. hes a good guy. he is making mine right now as we speak.


Active Member
he was gona do it for cheaper with out the skimmer. I dont like my skimmer so i took the aqua line off his hands.