canister filter question???


ok i have a rena XP3 for my 60 saltwater.
what does it mean when the return nozzle once in a while spits out what looks like sand particles into the water so it looks like a wave of little particlesswishing around then its gone???


Active Member
Time to clean the filter...
When it surges and then spits out "particles" do they float to the top...probably air.
When the filter material gets clogged/restricted it creates negative pressure in the tank and pulls air in through the seal at the top of the canister...a little at a time till it builds up to a "bubble" that gets sucked through the pump and comes out as a surge of bubbles.


Active Member
The XP3 has 3 "baskets"...
I only use mine for mechanical and chemical filtration on my 125 FOWLR Aggressive tank...
The bottom basket gets ONE 20 pore sponge, the second basket gets ONE 30 pore sponge, the top basket gets a bag of carbon, a divider and a hand full of "filter floss" (polyfiber blanket quilting).
Every other week I change the filter floss, no need to drain and re prime just pull top replace floss and go...
Once a month I change the carbon and clean the sponges in "fresh" water to prevent bacteria from building up (thats what the LR/LS is for)
Surprising how much "stuff" they pull from the water that would otherwise decompose and turn into nitrAtes...
If I let it go much longer then that it starts to "surge" and lets me know it's time for a cleaning.


i had the same problem with my cascade 1700. Squidd is right about the build up but i dont think cleaning will do it cause i cleaned mine and it still was doing it. here is what to do:step one slowly turn the exhaust ball valve down a tiny bit. this will create back pressure and the bubble busts will stop.
BUT turn the valve slowly and only a little bit and then sit by the tank and wait till you see bubbles again and if you dont then it is fixed but if you do then turn it down a little more.
p.s. I only had to turn it down a very small amount.


hey squidd.. does it have to be in that order with the baskets?
and is it important to change the carbon out and that filter floss thingy..
does the filter floss look like a white sponge kinda?
I think ih ave the carbon in the second basket?


Active Member
Doesn't "have to" be that way it's just the way I do it...
The water comes in the tank and goes directly to the bottom, then it gets filtered by progressivly finer filters(sponges) on it's way up...
Carbon only lasts so long and needs to be changed the filstar bags have a large enough quantity I figure they last a month...smaller ammounts (like those "slide in" pads) only last a day or two.
The "filter floss" is generally white and fluffy...filstar makes a final filter "pad" for just befor the pump (on top) but you can get a huge bag of poly fiber for a buck or two and it'll last a several months with regular changes.
The filter baskets are divided and wether the carbon is in the second basket or the lower half of the top basket makes no just want a final/fine filter befor the pump.
By filtering the water with sponges before the carbon you keep junk from cloging the carbon bag and you end up with better flow.


ok thanks squidd..
sounds like i need to buy new carbon bags and poly fiber filter floss i think you called it?
where is the best place to find them?


by the way I dont have an exhaust ball valve on my Rena XP3 I have a Lever that is pushed down, so do i use the same method with the lever EXTREMENEMO?


Active Member
The lever on top of the canister is a shut-off/quick disconnect, so no, you can't adjust flow with it.


Active Member
I think the "bubbles" from his xp3 are driving him nuts...
But that is not a "normal" experiance ...Still trying to figure out why...
Might just have been a defective unit?????
The 404 is a better unit (but costs more) and the Ehiems are the best (cost more)
Magnum 350 pro kit is a good investment for the money as well...


Active Member
You should be able to find the Rena Xp3 for $84 compleate with sponges carbon pad and filter pad...
$99 on the Fluval 404 but you need to buy the "guts" seperate...
If your interested I can sell you a 'slightly" used 404 with sponges and 4 lbs. Ceramic BioMedia rings ($10/lb) all for $40 you pay shipping...