Canister filter & WD filter


Hi, I have been keeping freshwater fish for many years now and have decided to venture into the world of salt water. I currently have a Fluval 403 canister filter and I like it very much. However, I also want to run a WD filter with a skimmer, etc... My thought was to have the canister filter feed the WD filter. For example: Water comes from the tank and goes to the canister filter, from the canister to the WD and back to the tank. Any thoughts or suggestions on this? Thanks!
- Og


IMO I think you will have a hard time makeing that work. I beleive that the flow rate on the canister is too slow for a wet dry, I know there was some topic on that awhile back you might want to do a search. Good Luck


Thanks for your opinion. It is very appreciated. I was thinking that I just may run a sump off of the canister so that I can run a Skimmer and get my heaters out of the tank. I'll search for that previous post though. Thanks for the help.
- Og


hey you'll probably be interested in my thread re: close to the same, only a little different, look under "broomer5 or anyone else" should explain a lot