Canister filter with sump on reef?


After a real busy Thursday night putting the sump and everything under my tank I have a curious question to ask. I removed my HOB Emperor 400 filtration system. I am just running the sump with a 200G ASM G2 protein skimmer.
Does anyone use a filtration system with a reef tank besides the live rock? I have a 90G with about 90ibs of live rock into and nothing in the sump at all. I was thinking about putting move LR down under the sump where the water flows down but there would be no lighting....good idea or bad or should I get a canister filter?
Just a thought...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by GeckoXp
After a real busy Thursday night putting the sump and everything under my tank I have a curious question to ask. I removed my HOB Emperor 400 filtration system. I am just running the sump with a 200G ASM G2 protein skimmer.
Does anyone use a filtration system with a reef tank besides the live rock? I have a 90G with about 90ibs of live rock into and nothing in the sump at all. I was thinking about putting move LR down under the sump where the water flows down but there would be no lighting....good idea or bad or should I get a canister filter?
Just a thought...

About the sump..IDK
I have a 90g reef...I use live rock and 2 canister filters, each has the capacity for 100g + a skimmer.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mkroher
I wouldn't use any canister filters. It's just something else to clean.

I wasn't suggesting anything...just that I use something besides the live each his own, I will not drill on a tank. Keeping the critters alive and happy is all that matters in the end...whatever method we choose.


What type of CF may you recommend by any chance? I was looking at a few before I decided to go with the sump...maybe one rated for 150-200G?
What a pain I had installing the sump btw...I had to take almost all the water out and half of the live rocks, move the tank just enough to put the sump from the top down as it wouldnt fit right under the stand...almost about to give up on everything as I could have sworn nothing would have survived...but heck everything came out fine...I am still in disbelief over it all if you saw what a mess I was in. Thats why for any newbs (cough cough) you NEED to know and spend the money upfront before you screw around with things after the fact...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by GeckoXp
What type of CF may you recommend by any chance? I was looking at a few before I decided to go with the sump...maybe one rated for 150-200G?
What a pain I had installing the sump btw...I had to take almost all the water out and half of the live rocks, move the tank just enough to put the sump from the top down as it wouldnt fit right under the stand...almost about to give up on everything as I could have sworn nothing would have survived...but heck everything came out fine...I am still in disbelief over it all if you saw what a mess I was in. Thats why for any newbs (cough cough) you NEED to know and spend the money upfront before you screw around with things after the fact...

Well congratulations...I didn't have the knowledge or strength to even try a sump...So you did great..

I always used canister filters. Very easy to install and for me, works great. I have used a few different ones over the years. I don't like cylinder shaped ones. They vacuum seal, and man what a pain to get open. The new square ones are great. I use a cascade, there is Fluval and Marine...all have good reviews.


Thanks I will check around and see what is what I suppose!
Here are a couple pics of the setup!

and here is the new sump...dont midn the mess!


acouple good things about a canaster filter is it adds extra flow to the tank and now you can keep different kinds of media in them. i have a old mag350 that i use to vacume the tank otherwise i dont use it. but its nice to have around.
like some one else said you need to clean them on a regulary basis
nice looking tank !!!


Well-Known Member

Nice tank...just a suggestion...I would rearrange the rock to have more open areas for the fish to swim through and hide, they are laid kind of flat onto each other..Again it is just an is your tank and you should do it your way...


Yah its the way the picture looks to be honest with you as the yellow and hippo tangs can swin around in and out of the back through the cave as well through the right hand side of the setup through another cave/tunnel. The picture I took while sitting on my butt didnt do it justice. I completely understand where you are coming from. My goby likes to sit on the entrace to a rock thats in a way flat on the right bottom, the hippo sleeps behind that rock on the right side out of view and I have a firefish that wanders around hidden when not buddied up.
As time goes on here I may add more rock of course so there is a ton of room to expand out.
Here is the tank with the actinic lights only.

Left side..

Right side...

Firefish saying hello!


Active Member
I, too, have been using a canister-Fluval 404+Skilter 350gph hob filter. 3+ years and the coral are growing and spreading fast. No water issues. I clean the filters 1x/mo. They usually aren't too nasty. You'd be surprised at the variety of life I find in there each time I open it up. If you're wondering-no algae problems either.


Active Member
I think most folks who are against canisters see them as too old school. But Eheim canisters have been used at many large public aquariums for years.