canister filter


New Member
Hey so I had a question...I have had my tank for about a year know and I have been using a canister filter for mechanical and biological filtration.... I've been wanting to get some corals and what not....I have the light needed already....I guess my question is can I run the canister filter for just biological and ditch the pads since I hear they just end up making a bunch of nitrates....also to add I do run a skimmer which works gets a bunch of nasty looking stuff out...thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by izzy69 http:///t/394668/canister-filter#post_3512854
Hey so I had a question...I have had my tank for about a year know and I have been using a canister filter for mechanical and biological filtration.... I've been wanting to get some corals and what not....I have the light needed already....I guess my question is can I run the canister filter for just biological and ditch the pads since I hear they just end up making a bunch of nitrates....also to add I do run a skimmer which works gets a bunch of nasty looking stuff out...thanks in advance
The canister is fine for a reef...however, the best part of a canister is the ability to use different media...those pads are not nitrate factories unless you don't do your monthly cleaning as you should. A canister is also great to add a spraybar to, and really move the surface without using a power head to do it. I ran my 90g reef on two canister filters for over 10 years.


New Member
oh ok i get it... so how often are you supposed to change out the pads???and does it matter what kind of pads i use??


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by izzy69 http:///t/394668/canister-filter#post_3512874
oh ok i get it... so how often are you supposed to change out the pads???and does it matter what kind of pads i use??
any kind of pad, I used the ones made of that white and blue fiber. I also would use chemipure and sometimes just carbon...anything I wanted. I didn't use the bio beads after a while and that didn't matter at all. Just once or twice a month, (depends on what you stock the tank with) replace the pads and add fresh carbon or whatever. Some people just use the fiber that Walmart sells to stuff pillows...but make sure it isn't treated with chemicals that retard bacteria or fire....that's why I always stuck with fish supply stuff, because then I felt a little more secure.