Canister filters (=


Active Member
Hello everyone. So I've decided to upgrade the filtration system on my 29g Eclipse/biowheel setup. Ideally, I'd go with a sump, but it isn't convenient at this point in time. I've been looking into the Rena and Eheim canister filters and both seem fairly reliable. I don't know what a good GPH is for a tank of this size, or which particular filter would be best for my system. At most I'd be willing to spend around $100. If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them.
Oh yes, almost forgot. My tank currently houses two ocellaris clowns, two scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp, approx. 20lbs of LR and LS. Thanks in advance!


Active Member
I was just looking around online and found a sale on Eheim canister filters. Between the ECCO 2231 and the Classic 2213, can anyone tell me which of the two would be better?
(sorry for all the difficult questions!)


Active Member
Ive used ehiem and rena's before,and IMO go with rena.I've never had a problem with them.


You may want to look into the Jebo line of canister filter on the auction site. Is a fraction of the cost of Eheim filters and most folks are pretty happy with this inexpensive knockoff. Had one myself before I upgraded to a wet dry filter and it was very quiet and did a great job. Wouldn't hesitate to get one again if I decided to go the canister route again. Good luck.


Active Member
What problems have you had with Eheims? I've only heard good things about them and am curious to know what your experience with them is. =)
The Eheims I'm looking into are around $65. I just checked on the auction site and the Jebos seem to be just about as much once shipping is included. The benefit of me getting an Eheim off the site I'm considering is that I'm buying other stuff there too, so the shipping cost won't be too bad.
Thanks for everyone's input so far! I really appreciate it.


IMO i would never go with a canister, to much cleanin , and to many areas for build up to occur, and nitritas to rise. If you dont want a sump, i highly suggest the cpr line of hang on back refugiums. I think they are great, and the only maintanced needed is to pull some alaga out every now and then and feed to your tank. Plus a great place for cycolpods to grow.


Active Member
Are you referring to the AguaFuge line? And if I were to get a refugium, what would you suggest I put in it to better filter my tank's water?
Thanks for mentioning the hang-on refugium idea, I hadn't even thought of that one yet.


Yes i use the Large model CPR hang on tank aquafudge refugium on both of my Tanks. A 125 reef and a 45 fowlr. It is great and works well. There is lots you can put in them. I have about 4 inches of sand in both with lots of green and alage culpera i think it is spelled. looks like plants. lots of little creatures grow in there. I have a small 15 watt lamp that sit's on top and stays on 24/7. I also put some snails in there to keep it kinda clean and to dig in sand I love it and there is no maintance. plus i pick the plants and feed to my herbavors in tank. The large also gives you another 5 gallon of water to volume in system. they also make a reguium mud you can use, but never used it my self. great product

also my trates trites ammonia stay at 0 and i have never seen them move.


ifor my 29g i use the magnum 250 pro, that has the added biowheel. it has been great so far. my nitrates are lower than ever. like you a sump/fuge is not convenient for me right now so this is working wonders for now. and it was only $65


Active Member
I was looking into the Magnum actually, and it seems to be a fairly good product, but there's already a biowheel at work in my hood so I was hoping to find something a little different from that. =)


Active Member
Are there? I was looking on their website and didn't see any...I might've missed them though. Either way, I think I'd feel more comfortable going with one of the ones I mentioned, but I'll definitely keep my options open should something better come my way.


i do not like canisters to much cause they trap debris and create alot of nitrates if you dont clean them often.


Active Member
I was reading up on the Eheim 2213-37 and you're not supposed to have to clean them all the time unless your tank produces a lot of waste, which mine doesn't.