Canister Filters


Hello all...
I would like some information on canister filters. In the past I have just used HOBs and powerheads but would like to move up.
A couple of questions:
What brands are recommended? Why?
Do I need to have a hang-on overflow? Can I simply put the 2 hoses in the tank?
How do I determine what kind of media to use? How often do I change the media?
How hard/easy is it to clean these and what effect will stopping the filter to clean it have on my tank?
Thanks for your time...
On a side note, I haven't purchased a tank yet and really don't have any idea what size I would like. (besides BIG). In the past I had a 29g with much success...


Originally Posted by jdinger29
Hello all...
I would like some information on canister filters. In the past I have just used HOBs and powerheads but would like to move up.
A couple of questions:
What brands are recommended? Why? I have a cascade 1200. it works gerat.
Do I need to have a hang-on overflow? no
Can I simply put the 2 hoses in the tank? Yes I have on on one side and one on the other
How do I determine what kind of media to use? reasearch
How often do I change the media? I just rinse mine with saltwater for my water changes once a month and change the charcoal every 2 weeks.
How hard/easy is it to clean these and what effect will stopping the filter to clean it have on my tank? I say easy to clean and no effect on the tank its only off for about 20 min.
Thanks for your time...
On a side note, I haven't purchased a tank yet and really don't have any idea what size I would like. (besides BIG). In the past I had a 29g with much success...


Active Member
Been using an Eheim canister on my 75 for about ayear and its been great. I am however looking to move to a sump based system in the near future. You may want to consider this if you are just starting out. If I had known then, I wouldnt have bothered with the canister and would have started directly with the sumpwet-dry


Eheims are VERY good, the new Fluvals are good too...
I switch between Chemi-Pure and Purigen and the water is crystal clear...
Good Luck!


Luv Eheim filters - solid good working machines.
Don't like Fluvals - had 3 new units, all three leaked after 3 months or so. That is the 404's.
Can't go wrong with an Eheim filter.
I use 2260's, 2250's, 2028 - all good units.


Active Member
To be honest. I have had conversations with TurningTim, and he talked me out of my canister filter that I have been using for 3 years. If you think about it, all it does is trap things, food, waste and critters in it. That takes maintenance to clean out. Is it really necessary to have one? I have come to think the answer is no. If you have the correct cleaning crew, etc. crabs, snails, sand sifters, you really honestly don't need to have one. On a lighter note, I do have a Emperor 400 HO still, but no pads in it, I just have glass media in it, that houses critters, so it kinda acts like a fuge when mature. Also, you do have to have plenty of water movemnet for your LR to process all the water.


Originally Posted by diane4
Luv Eheim filters - solid good working machines.
Don't like Fluvals - had 3 new units, all three leaked after 3 months or so. That is the 404's.
Can't go wrong with an Eheim filter.
I use 2260's, 2250's, 2028 - all good units.
That's 'cause the joints fluval uses are fragile. Cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap plastic :mad: . If you're careful, fluval is good, but Eheim is pretty much the best you can go with in the canister category. Otherwise, use a sump based filter.


Active Member
I use a rena filstar xp3 on my 55 gal. No problems with it but as soon as I get some extra $$$ I'm going to a diy sump/fuge instead.