New Member
Hey i am a newb here. Been reading and looking at this fourm for awhile. I was just curious to get some opions on this. I am getting a 150 gallon tank. I am making it a FOWLR. I know for sure i will not ever make this a reef tank. Do u think i should get it drilled tank with built in overflow or not. SHould i go with a sump or a canister.? I know i dont need a sump, i know the benifts and draw backs of both a canister and sump. And this is just a FOWLR tank. If i didnt do a sump i would have a fluval x5 with a nice powerhead. Also what are your thoughts about getting a skimmer? I also know i dont have to have one but do know the positives. so thanks in advance. And by the way this is my first saltwarer tank. I am excited to get in to this hobby!