cannister filter bubbles


I have an eheim canister filter that about every 5 min or so will expel tons of bubbles into my tank. Does any one know what is causing this?
thanks a million!


I have the same problem with my Cascade 1000. I'm going to steal some zip ties from work tonight and see if i can tighten up the connections. I thought this might be the problem with mine too.


Do you have a "Trap" like in a sink line?
I have a spray bar, and it has a "trap" right at the start of the bar. The same thing happend to me a few months ago...turned out that the PS was releasing small amounts of bubbles, and once there was enough which built up in the trap it purged itself.
do you have bubbles comming from anywhere else?
tighten up you lines with a big tie wrap, or a hose clamp, but be carefull not to over tighten.
if it's got threaded coupling, throw on some teflon.


I think your right, the bubbles build up and "purge" every so often. what exactly do you mean by trap though? is it like a bend that stops the bubbles?


Well I don’t know the name of it, but under a sink, the dip in the line before it goes into the wall in into never never land. That's called a trap...I don’t know the reason for having it on a spray bar. I think air get stuck at the top of the tank between the line going to the pump and to the "Trap" once enough air builds up it causes a road block, and it gets "blown away" by the water. That’s what causing the spraying of bubbles, then nothing for awhile.
Find out what is causing the bubbles in the first place. Shut down all the pumps. Let the water settle. Then fire them up one at a time, the can filter being the last.


It is definately coming from the canister. With every thing off but the canister, you can hear exactly when the bubbles hit the pump inside of the filter. Followed moments latter by a torrent of bubbles. I can not find leaks yet, but I will continue to search.


Mine makes a noise too just before it sprays bubbles. Keep us posted if you fix the problem and i will do the same. This has been bugging me for months and i am almost ready to get some coral so i need to fix it ASAP.


I am going crazy trying to figure out where it is pulling air from
Can having too much airation in a tank be a bad thing? I faintly remember hearing about an illness when there is too much oxygen in the water or something like that.


Have you checked your "O" ring? I had the same problem you guys are having and I changed the "O" ring (RENA XP2) and it stopped the bubbles.


I am having the same problem....which O ring are your refering to (where is it located?) Thanks.


Well i fixed my filter :joy: There was a leak in the intake line just like someone said. It was pullng tiny amounts of air into the pump and when it built up enough it purged bubbles in the the DT. I put plastic zip ties around every area that might have been the problem and pulled them as tight as i could with a pair of pliers. Preblem solved, and thanks for the help


Originally Posted by dlee
I am having the same problem....which O ring are your refering to (where is it located?) Thanks.
On the canister he has that mace is talkin about as soon as you take the lid off of the canister you can look under the lid and there should be an O-ring located right there.