Canopy Cooling


Hi guys I seek advice:
I made my own canopy and have 4 T5's over driven by an ice cap ballast I need to get some cooling built into the canopy to cool the lamps.
The back of my canopy is open, i was going to add 2 PC case cooling fans on each end of the canopy, I know some people recommend if the canopy is closed to have one set of fans blow air into the canopy and the other set to draw air out of the canopy, but since my back is open and the top is to for the most part the air could be taken in from the back or top, so should I have both ends draw air out or in? Or what is every ones recommendation
I'm not a wood maker at all, this is the first thing I ever made out of wood (after the stand of course) so dont laugh at the construction, I'm rather proud of it myself, it's a little dusty to


florida joe

Well-Known Member
Since you made your own canopy I am sure you can build supports for two cooling fans place them so the fans are over the covers of your bulbs have the fans set up so the direction of flow is toward the ceiling expatiating the normally rising hot air and thus drawing your cooler ambient air over your bulbs