Canopy height suggestions?


I have purchased 2 sheets of 3/4 inch Birch plywood to build my canopy with and I have sketched some rough plans. The canopy will be roughly 6 wide and 24 deep. I had planned on making it about 18 tall with 3 or 4 400 watt MH and 2 72" VHO's but 18 high looks really tall once I lay it out on the wood. I am second guessing myself (as usual) and considering 14 or 16 inches high.
Anyone have suggestions from experience?


Go with your gut instinct. I recently built mine at 6' x 18" x 18". I'm glad I did. Plenty of room for the 250W MH's and working room inside.
Feel free to look at some pics here:
Rob's Fish Pics
Work in progress, but I'm loving it! If you want specifics, email me here: Rob


Thanks for the advice. it looks great! Did you frame it with anything or use just the plywood.
Thanks again


Well I have spent about an hour cutting my $65.00 piece of Birch plywood and praying it is straight enough to then read a post that tells me home depot and Lowes cuts it for free. I guess I will take the other sheet back there tomorrow and let them deal with it!;)


I used the Home Depot cut method myself, but ended up with trim cuts at home anyway.
I did frame the inside with 1x2 's for structural support. Then I bought some solid wood corner trim pieces to dress the exterior.
The front doors are solid pine that have been cut and finished to cover the access holes.
I like the fact that I built much of this stuff myself. After all, it's a hobby!
BTW, I managed to build my entire canopy from a single sheet of plywood, some 1x2 's and a solid wood door.
Post some pics of your project as you work on it!


Active Member
I really don't think you need to have any type of internal framing for a canopy. Unless you will have your MH's ballast up in the canopy. 3/4 plywood is very strong and if you do it right it will be plenty strong enough.


I have taken a lot of Slick's advice for building this and I went with a 3/4 inch Birch with no frame. It is a little bit on the loose side, only very little, so I can either put some L braces on the inside or I can run a couple of braces from front to back across the middle.
Any suggestions to strengthen it up a little would be great.