So I made my canopy recently but don't have the front on it yet. I used 2x1's and made a cube on the top of the aquarium. I then made sides for it that go higher than the cube so you wouldn't see the lighting stuff on the top, which also eliminates the ability to go with hinges. I purposely wanted a removable front, but easily removable. Any ideas how to make it easily removable without hinges?
I was thinking of getting some stainless steel hooks that I could mount on the back side of the front to hang on the top 2x1 of the cube
but wasn't sure if that would be a good idea. Lots of velcro would work but would be a pain getting it off. Any ideas?
I was thinking of getting some stainless steel hooks that I could mount on the back side of the front to hang on the top 2x1 of the cube