Canopy question


New Member
I am a new member here and have a quick question. I am going to upgrade the lighting on my tank from 390 watts of pc to metal halide lighting. I now have a canopy that is 8 inches tall and think I probably need to build a new canopy that is somewhere around 12 inches tall. My main concern is weight. Does anyone else worry about the weight sitting on top of their tanks or is this just a silly concern I have. Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated. By the way....this site is a great source of information.


Active Member
I wouldn't worry too much about the weight issue unless you are mounting ballasts in there - not recommended (they don't like the moisture).
My canopy weighs a ton and it pretty tall - too tall really- 20 inches. No problems other than muscle strain from putting in on the tank.


New Member
Thanks for the help. I think I might attach a couple of metal supports to the back of the stand and then rest the canopy on them. I worry about the weight on top of the tank. I think this will take some of the weight off the top of the tank. I still want to be able to take the top off for cleaning or adding new corals. Thanks again for all the help.


Active Member
man you don't need supports I saw a picture one time of a guy laying on top of his canopy to prove the canopy and tank strength, I wouldn't condone laying on top of your tank but I think its safe to say you don't need supports unless you made your canopy out of lead