Canopy Reatard

I have no idea about canopies and i need help. How do u feed ur feed ur fish with the canopy on top? Do i need anything like a glass top or can i leave it open water? Whats a good height to put the lights above the water? Is there anything special i need to do? Any info would be greatly appreciated. THANX
Im confused. Do i supend the lighting with the hoods on them under the canopy with wires or do i somhow just put sockets in there? PLease help


Power compacts and VHO's retrofit kits (R-kits are just the bulbs and balast and a reflector where the bulbs are placed)
Well these kits have holes so you can screw them in the canopy ontop.
Usually there screwed directly into the wood.
Feeding the fish you usually make a hole with a door in the canopy so you can place your arm in there and feed the fish.
Make the top part where you attach the lights able to open and close and then you can feed the fish and also change bulbs without taking the canopy off
or do both hole in the front and adjustable top
no glass top over the tank you just use the canopy the glass may reflect light away from going into the water.
Hope this helps
I dont have the r kit so should i just take the hood off the lighting i have now. since im taking the hood off, to turn off the lights will i just have to unplug the cord on the light?
Can i just take the lights out of the hood or do i need to buy a retro fit kit? If i do, do they sell them without the bulbs? Any one have a link if they do?
Thats enough ill never get my important question answered so i give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :eek: