Can't believe what i found today


i'm constantly amazed with the hardiness of damsels..
back in may i upgraded the sump on my 125gal. In order to do this i had to empty the tank take all the fish, lr, and sand out so i could move the tank. well i got all the fish out except for one green chromis that i couldn't find. i figured that he got caught in a rock that i removed and was a goner (no big deal).
well today i was looking in one of my corner overflows (i dont know why) and saw something about an inch floating around. thinking it was a piece of lettuce i gave it no mind. then i noticed it was moving against the current. i get a flashlight and there is my chromis :eek: .
he must have jumped in there and has been living in that overflow ever since!
i took him out and put him in the 55QT. i guess i'll get 4 more now for a school.
amazing, so i thougt i'd share.


I have kinda the same story, only with 3 red leg crabs. I moved my tanks to my new home and thought I had gotten all creatures moved. Figured they were on my LR. after a week when I got my sink hooked up downstairs, I went to dump the bucket that had some of my LR in it and saw something moving. Low and behold it was 3 crabs. Lived in the bucket for a week. No food, heat, air....
They are still doing great today!!!
well i got all the fish out except for one green chromis that i couldn't find. i figured that he got caught in a rock that i removed and was a goner (no big deal).
If you are saying that the unexpected death of any fish is "no big deal" then maybe you are in the wrong hobby.
I would suggest that you collect comic books or matchbox cars, at least they are not alive and don't feel pain, like fish do!.
I hate to hear anyone say that the loss of any fish isn't a big deal, after all they are living creatures and they do feel pain.
If you have so little respect for the lives of the creatures that you buy, then please don't buy anymore of them.
I think that on this message board, you will find a lot of people that feel the same way that I do and you would be better off not to post things like this in the future.


Active Member
yes take a deep breath count backwards from 10. imo when you lose a fish it does suck but you know what life goes on its not something to lose sleep over.

murray bmf

So are you a vegetarian. Are cows and chickens different from fish, or do you eat seafood to? I wonder if those lobsters hurt when they get boiled alive, cuz it looks like it hurts.

nm reef

Active Member
Lets back off the anger & flames for a sec...I'm thinking the "no big deal" comment was simply a figure of speach...not an actual position on the attitude towards the treatment of life forms. Keep in mind that we like difference of opinions around here ...but personal attacks will not be tolerated!

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