Originally posted by DVS
Dodge Magnum + Hemi
the designer of that glorified station wagon should be shot. Station wagons were just about extinct like they should be and then this POS shows up. And don't get me started on the hemi. It's nothing more than a large inefficient engine with hemispherical combustion chambers. The 17 mpg isn't much of a wow factor either.
I can just hear the converstion among the management there:
"We need a new vehicle"
"Okay, lets bring back the station wagon, but we'll make it different"
"Hmmm, how could we do that"
"How about we make it really high performance"
"Should we design a new efficient engine for it?"
"Nah, let's just make the engine as big as possible"
"But won't that give it bad gas mileage?"
"Sure, but who cares, people will still buy it. Let's put the word HEMI on the engine. Then all of those old guys that know what a hemi is will want one"
"Okay, then after we put the word HEMI on the engine, we'll charge 5 grand more for that model"
End of meeting results with a 5.7 liter engine that gets 13-20 mpg.