Cant do nothing


I am A newbi... for salt... but not so mch a newbi on fresh... And I know there is alot of diffrence in the two... But I am tired of people saying you cant put this in a 75 you need a 120 for that.... Most of these fish are coming out of a ten gallon tank at the pet store. Some of these fish are going into 20 gallon tanks. Now i am not saying that these fish are happy... but would you rather a fish be in a ten or a 20 gallon tank... or in a 75 gallon tank where the people are researching and asking questions to make life as easy as possiable on what ever fish they get...
I have a 75 and there have been lots and lots of people tell me that basically none of the fish i want will survive in a 75 gallon tank... and to alot of people 75 gallons is a big tank. Not everyone can afford a 120+ gallon tank. I am responsible. I do have a 120, but its a freshwater tank. When people are getting into the hobby, and you guys tell everyone that no that fish wont work. It kinda takes the fun out of learning, and i wonder how many people quit before they start just because... The fish they want "wont Work"
If you truely think that only certian fish will work... then make out a list of what can and cant... rather then us newbis posting topic after topic of will it work!!!


Sorry if i offend anyone... but just started my cylce and i dont even know... what the Politaical correct fish can go in my dang tank


In my opinion, you can put anything in your tank. It just isn't a good idea for your fish and coral and your pocketbook.
The reason that people are saying that it's not a good idea to do this or that is from experience and to save people (and fishys) the heartache and trouble of the animals dying and such.
You will hear many different things from many different people.
To me it's about research. If you do your research you can make an informed and repsonsible decision about what you are putting in your tank.
Best of luck to you. I'm sorry you are so frustrated.


Active Member
Maybe you need to do some research because some fish NEED big tanks. I don't what fish you wanted but some fish NEED big tanks to thrive which is what we get them for right?


Active Member
First, there are lists all you need to do is take the time and find them or do some research on your own instead of getting mad when you ask for help and you are told something you don’t want to hear. Most people that take the time to answer people’s questions are trying to help and give good info. As for those people who get out of the hobby because the fish they want won’t work, good riddance. There are great fish/livestock for all sized tanks, it’s up to you to find what is most appropriate for your given set up and if you don’t like those choices then get a bigger system.


Try to give specific examples of what fish you are interested in for your tank, Jesika. I am sure that the members here will be more than willing to share there experiences with you on any species.


Active Member
BTW before they are in those 10-20 gallon tank they are in the ocean if you want to get specific. Also they are in the 10-20 gal. for a few weeks not years like in your tank.


not all these fish come from the ocean... some are bred in captivity!
I have done reserch have been for while now... back to when i had an empty 10 gallon.. lfs so no what till the 20 frees up...
I waited till i had an empty 75 gallon... it took awhile..
so now i am cycling my tank and everyone says no tangs in a 75 (MAybe a kole or a yellow but then I will have to upgrade later)
Newbis as we call our selfs are just that new to the hobby and wanting to learn. I have tried and tried to be somewhat patience and reserch everything.. but one website say yeah put it in a 75 it will be fine others say no no you have to have a 120. There is no cut dry right or wrong... some say it works other disagree even on here.... I am not purposly trying to crash my tank or kill off a fish i just spent $50 on... But when I see a Full sixe Sailfin tang at the lfs display tank which is a 100... I think maybe i cant have that fish but maybe something like it... well then i get on here and people are like nope wont work


There are people who dont care about fish out there that will stick a full size angel in a twenty gallon and never upgade there tank...


Most of the fish are wild caught and if your just going to ignore your limitations then the reefs around the world will be bare because people like you. When i first started i did get upset due to these limitations but due to the many many nice fish i worked around it and had a great tank, you just need to do the same. This might sound rude but whining about it and saying your going to put the fish in your tank anyway is just reckless.
And your not rescuing the fish from a ten or twenty gallon tank. The lfs is only suppose to house the fish for a little while till people buy them for a correctly sized tank. If you by the fish, it will be replaced and then your just causing another fish to suffer. So please except your limitations and just work around it.
P.S. you frustrate me :mad:


BTW for the most part the only fish captively breed on a large scale tend to be clown fish and cardinals. Most other fish are hard to breed and or are not breed enough to have a constant supply in the hobby.
P.S. still frustrated :mad:


I understand my limitations... I know there are certain fish i cant not have... i understand that... but some of the fish i would like to have will work in a 75 alot of diffrent websites say so... but when i ask the people that i would like to guys... I feel that the fish I want are not beginner fish, and becuase they are not that mean i have to set up a tank and learn about fish... that are beginners. That I understand that. But when a fish that is labled for beginners and says it will work in a 75 and i post it here i get at least 2 people tell me that it wont work... I guess What I am trying to say is
IF you have tried a fish and it did not work.. great tell me... But if you have never tried to care for the fish or dont have one... then dont tell me i can t have it... Obilivously i have not bought any fish... I have never kept these fish and that is why i am asking for help


Active Member
LOL...keep in mind those sites are trying to sell you fish and always take their info with a grain of salt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JesikaRose
.. but one website say yeah put it in a 75 it will be fine -- because its only 2" when you recieve it

others say no no you have to have a 120. -- because this accounts for adult size.

and if you want to account the proper activity level of the tang go 150g+

There is no cut dry right or wrong... some say it works other disagree even on here.... I am not purposly trying to crash my tank or kill off a fish i just spent $50 on... But when I see a Full sixe Sailfin tang at the lfs display tank which is a 100... I think maybe i cant have that fish but maybe something like it. like what fish?
.. well then i get on here and people are like nope wont work
i dont see anything wrong with this previous list of yours..except the cucumber
8 Turbo Grazer Snails
8 Bumble Bee Snails
2 Emerald Crabs
10 Red Leg Hermit Crabs
1 Electric Blue Hermit Crab
add a conch or Sally lightfoot crab

1 Lawnmower Blenny (M 2"-3")
Tiger Tail Cucumber
Signal Goby
Ocellaris Clownfish (2)
you can throw a dwarf angel in there if you want--- or small yellow/kole Tang



I don't exactly understand what your even trying to get at.
I'm starting me up a 55g tank & I have found tonsssssss of fish that I can keep & thta are "Reef-Safe" since I plan on having a reef. The fish I'm also looking at are suitable for beginners & everyone on this site & others had said I'll be fine. I wanted me a yellow tang before I started up my 55g, but I did some research & found that most people say they need way more than 55g. So I totally scracthed the idea of any tang in my tank. There is a lot of warasses that will fit in a 75g, lionfish, dwarf angels, clowns, cardinals, gobies, blennies. The list goes on & on & on.


thanks for the advice... I am sorry I am just so frustrated.... I have narrowed done my list to the following...
8 Turbo Grazer Snails
8 Bumble Bee Snails
2 Emerald Crabs
10 Red Leg Hermit Crabs
1 Electric Blue Hermit Crab
1 Lawnmower Blenny (M 2"-3")
Tiger Tail Cucumber
Signal Goby
Ocellaris Clownfish (2)
those i am getting for sure...
but like for instance....I know i cant have all these fish but these are ones i would like to pick a couple of
Onespot Foxface I have been told that i cant have... any one with experiance got advice
Bicolor Angel
Psychedelic Mandarinfish I know my tank has to be set up and going for like a year to year and a half... but i had someone tell me that even after waiting to get one.. it will die in a year because i would not be able to feed it.
Royal Gramma everyone keeps saying their aggrasive
if you look around this website alot of people tell everyone that a tang does not belong in a 75... I would like to have a tang but not a yellow or kole.. i dont like the way they look... i want a chevoron.. but i know it needs a bigger tank...are there any other smaller tangs outthere


Originally Posted by Jmick
LOL...keep in mind those sites are trying to sell you fish and always take their info with a grain of salt.

even here...what makes this one diffrent


Active Member

Originally Posted by JesikaRose
thanks for the advice... I am sorry I am just so frustrated.... I have narrowed done my list to the following...
8 Turbo Grazer Snails
8 Bumble Bee Snails
2 Emerald Crabs
10 Red Leg Hermit Crabs
1 Electric Blue Hermit Crab
1 Lawnmower Blenny (M 2"-3")
Tiger Tail Cucumber
Signal Goby
Ocellaris Clownfish (2)
those i am getting for sure...
but like for instance....I know i cant have all these fish but these are ones i would like to pick a couple of
Onespot Foxface I have been told that i cant have... any one with experiance got advice
Bicolor Angel
Psychedelic Mandarinfish I know my tank has to be set up and going for like a year to year and a half... but i had someone tell me that even after waiting to get one.. it will die in a year because i would not be able to feed it. a simple hang on back refuge or undertank refuge will do fine for the mandarine dragonet
Royal Gramma everyone keeps saying their aggrasive i believe these are damsel famiily they will get aggresive and torture your clownies.

if you look around this website alot of people tell everyone that a tang does not belong in a 75... I would like to have a tang but not a yellow or kole.. i dont like the way they look... i want a chevoron.. but i know it needs a bigger tank...are there any other smaller tangs outthere
and this website is also the tanksize for shipment size.


Active Member
everyones tank is different,,, what works for you may not work for them....its all about experiencing it,,,you never know until you learn from your own experinces.,, dont get discouraged hang in there,,,you will find what works for you...i have a 125 gallon and i have a guy that is guiding me a long in what to have an not what to have...i would love to have a dwarf angel fish, but he tells me that is fine, i just want to buy things that will work and keep my them alive, and dont to bring things in that is going to eat my corals or my attack my fish or invertabreas.....good luck to you,,,,,just remeber you need to have fun doing this....have a great day.....