Can't Find Hippo Tang - Wedged in Rock???


So on top of my new butterflies not eating, I can't find my small hippo tang. He has been eating great and is very active. The last time I saw him was yesturday evening. I woke up this morning....nowhere to be found. During the day....nowhere. This evening.....nowhere. Assuming he was dead, I pulled out all of the live rock in my tank, thinking he would be wedged between two rocks....nothing. I've heard they can actually wedge INSIDE rocks, which is what I'm figuring he did. Does anybody have any other ideas? Oh and the other fish I have in the tank (a 90)
Black False Perc
Small Threadfin Butterfly
Pearlscale butterfly


Mine wedges himself inside a rock. He has a specific rock that he always wedges himself in. I always thought that he would outgrow the hole, but the hole seems to be growing with him.


Watch your water levels...if you pulled out all your rock, you disturbed a lot of stuff and can gat an ammonia spike from that.


FWIW I once had a jumper that wound up 11 feet from the tank.


I've moved my rock hundreds of times and mixed up all kinds of gunk. I never got an ammonia spike, I believe that's a forum rumor. Your tang may be sick or dying. Yes, my tang has a spot he wedges himself in to sleep but as soon as my actinics come on, hes out and about. So if your tang is still hiding when the lights come on, there is something wrong. I had a blue hippo that was doing fine, then he was absent for a day. I later found him in his sleeping spot with labored breathing- he stayed in that sleeping spot day and night until he died three days later.


I don't think it's a rumor that you can get spikes from stirring things up...When you move rock you stir up all the junk and leftover cr-p that is trapped can get a spike of anything from that OR just pays to check and be careful


New Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
Mine wedges himself inside a rock. He has a specific rock that he always wedges himself in. I always thought that he would outgrow the hole, but the hole seems to be growing with him.
Laughing at what nina&noah said. My Hippo has grown so much I never would believe he could fit in the same rock!