cant find my cowfish


Active Member
He was in my tank when i went to he's nowhere to be found...for some odd reason all my other fish are together in the front left of the tank, and not leaving that area....could he have died and released toxins into the tank? He was only 1cm long or i doubt he could kill the bigger fish...are these fish known to hide for extended periods of time?


Active Member
Or could my anemone's have eaten him? I've got a pink-tip haitian reef anemone, and a condy.
Please, someone!


I'd say if all your fish are together it died and released toxin's. Not normal action of fish,might want to change a little water to be safe. I'm not an expert can't say how much toxin is in body and if it will kill larger fish. Just what i would do.


Active Member
I've looked in every nook and cranny, from the front, sides and back of the tank with a flashlight, and there is no sign of the dead completely stumped...he was there this morning when i went to work, now he aint, arg!
Im thinking maybe one of my anemone's ate him?


check for a crispy critter on the floor around the sucks, but it happens...


Lets be smart about this tho...the FIRST thing you should do is a 50% water change, IMMEDIATELY. If your anemone got the fish, then the toxins in the water will kill your tank in a very short time. The fish huddling together is a sure sign that the water is fouled, are they near an area of low circulation? My bet is they are. Change that water QUICK! I would also do 10% changes every day after that for at least two weeks, you need to get that neurotoxin completely out of the water, its potent stuff. Good luck!