cant find my eel!!!!


i bought a new snow flake eel lastd nightd and put him into my 55 gal tank with foxface, wrasse, sergent major and a maroon clown. i have looked under every crevis and i cantr seem to find the little fellow ! could he be hidingd in one of dthe rocks as he is only about 3 inches long and pretty skinny. when i put him into the taqnk he was just fine or maybe the fish ate him ? i find that unusuall though . please help with this one !!!!!!


i fouhnd the damn thing durfing underneath my under gravel filter floor. i had to tear the whole side of my tank up to get the little #@%^%$% out but he if just fine . wewwww looked all day for him . bet it doesnt happen again !!!!!


Mine got out once I found him on the floor He never did it again and thats in 11 years. Guess they got a good memoray.