cant find nori


i'm trying to find nori to feed to my tangs. i went to the supermarket (Price Chopper) looked all over with no avail. i even went to the sushi counter there and asked, they lady there didnt know what i was talking about. Is there another name for nori or something similiar? it cant be this hard to find.


Active Member
ask for the roasted seaweed, if you cannot fidn it called nori
it comes in sheets about 7 or 8 inches squared, and if they have sushi, they should have it



Originally posted by fishtanker
i'm trying to find nori to feed to my tangs. i went to the supermarket (Price Chopper) looked all over with no avail. i even went to the sushi counter there and asked, they lady there didnt know what i was talking about. Is there another name for nori or something similiar? it cant be this hard to find.

Price chopper? Try going to a japanese market or a ehthnic store and if you ask a japanese person for nori they won't understand because it's no-di. The r is like a d. o and i'm japanese.

sunken ship

exactly what i was going to say poiboy, you need to check an asian market, not a sushi restaurant or grocery store.



Originally posted by mmmmsushi
I just realized I might have offended someone with the oriental thing.... I appologize to anyone that may have taken offense to that. It was not my intention.....
An asian Market.

That's ok by me:mad: J/k


Active Member
you can also find it @ gourmet food stores - lots of fresh odd sea critters there as well - fresh caugh6t squid and such - which you can take and freeze .... no preservatives or nuthin'!