Can't get dead fish out of tank


One of my clowns recently died. I tested water and ammonia and nitrites are 0, nitrates 20, ph 8.3, and salinity 1.028. I know the salinity is a little high, but can this kill a fish? Also, the dead clown is behind a rock and I can't get it out with out taking the whole tank apart. There is no other livestock in the tank besides 8 snails and 5 hermits. Will the hermits take care of the dead clown, or should I take everything apart to get it out? I had only had the fish for 4 days, could this be something that came with him from the lfs? Thanks.


Active Member
the crabs will do the clean-up for you and how big is your tank? reason i am asking is it seems like a small crew,how long has tank been up reason for that question is you joined this site this month i am thinking you can add more cleaners as they don't affect your bio-load


Active Member
oh 1 more thing did you ask how long the lfs had the fish before selling it and did the fish eat or show other signs of stress or disease?


The tank is a biocube 29. I plan on adding more of a cleanup crew, but going slow. What and how many more should I get?


I don't know how long the lfs had the fish. The fish seemed a little stressed in my tank, but the day that it died it seemed like it had finally settled in and was eating. I know I could take the tank apart, but the rock is a bunch of smaller pieces and I rather not have to take it all apart.