I'm a little lost here. I have a 46g bowfront reef setup. I have the light fixture that came with the tank with upgraded daytime 15 watt bulbs and a coralife 96watt 50/50 lamp. My corals are fine, I've only lost a flowerpot which is impossible to keep anyway and a finger leather that was fine for over 8 months. Also my BTA anemone has been doing great for well over a year. So why is everyone now saying that you must have MH in order to keep them? Six months ago everyone was shouting VHO's and saying you can't do anything without them, now it's MH's. So I don't get it... why am I doing ok with what I have yet others will say it's no where near enough? I plan on upgrading my lighting in a few months when I get a bigger tank. I'll probably go with VHO's, I just don't understand why I'm having success now when people tell me that I must have MH's to do half the things I'm doing.