Can't get my colt to attatch!!!!


I have had a colt for about a month now and NOTHING is working. I have tried to put it between two rocks (after two weeks it floated away and got caught in a powerhead (now have two) Put a rubberband around it attatched to a piece of live rock and it split and did not attach (now have 3) then I tried the toothpick method and it seperated from the toothpick. Now I have them (3 1 inch frags) sitting in a little rubbermaid with gravel at the bottom... still not attatching.

Any ideas?

Oh, and tried superglue... twice... it pulled away from that as well.


Try this... (from the GARF website)
Get yourself a few of those plastic "swords" that people use to garnish their appetizers with. Glue these down to live rock rubble or to frag plugs. Once secured, take your colt and

it onto this, making sure that the other end of it sticks out of some part of the colt. Then take some additional superglue gel and create a "bubble" at the top of the skewer that way the colt cannot just slide off.
After a few days/week, the colt should secure itself to this new base.
Hope this helps!


thanks for the advice A, but I tried this with the "toothpick" method using a plastic toothpick instead of a sword. The colt just split around the toothpick and came loose.
I think I will just literally "jam" it into a piece of live rock and glue the hell out of a frag and see what happens.
I rubberband frags to a rock with rubberbands and in about 2 wks they attach.I believe you could do that to the mother colony.


Try using some bridal veil netting to keep it from moving from your intended rock. I've never tried it but I heard it works for a lot of people. Colts are notoriously hard to attach.


Get some fishing line, a sewing needle, and a chunk of LR rubble. Thread the needle with the fishing line, put it through the Colt, tie it around the rock.


Thanks for the additional info guys. I will try the bridal material method, I have read about it, but never tried it either and forgot about it. I think that will work the best, because every time I stick it or put pressure on it it seperates and I am afraid to try the "sewing" method because it could make the frag like 1/4 of an inch and these frags are already getting SMaller and smaller.


Active Member
Bridal vail can become a mess and reduce water flow which can, not will but can, make it unhappy.
Get a needle and white thread. sew it to a rock and then tie it down. Use 2-3 loops through the coral.
When it attaches you can remove the thread.