Cant GROW algae!


Active Member
I am trying to grow some suplemental algae for my tang. Right now shes eating the algae sheets....Anyway... I put some base rock in a clear container with water with same parameters as DT. Put it outside in the direct sunlight... Been out there Oh...3-4 weeks.. Nada,nil,nothing. I cant believe I cant grow algae,not even a little bit. How long does it take to grow? I am in South Florida so the weather has been fine,85 a few days ago.


Active Member
Originally Posted by garnet13aj
How old is your tank? A good supply of algae is something that comes w/time...
Yes, I understand that. That is why I am trying to grow algae outside in a container. I bought the tank established from a guy..he had it about 3-4 years. We moved 90% water and 100% of everything else to my house,in the process scraping all the "Good" algae off the glass.