Cant Identify


New Member
yes I know it is a still you clowns.
it pulsates in the aquarium, and is hard to the touch. Seems to have small hairs but cant figure out what it is


OK, this is a guess but it looks a lot like a Manicinia areolata to me. Your's (if that's what it is) looks like it's starving!! You should feed it cyclop-eeze ir even a silverside (if you can keep the shrimp and hermits away) and it will inflate quite a bit. Here's a pic of mine and the LFS didn't feed it anything meaty and when I first got it, it was flat like yours and hard to the touch. It's only a thin layer of tissue on top of the skeleton. Took only a few good feedings to "puff up". HTH


New Member
thanks tizzo i dont think it is the same as the pic u posted but i fed it sum krill and formula pellet food and now its all puffed up. IT is a very nice coral if thats wat it is . Thanks again


If you do a Google search on "Rose Coral", you will get a pic of a LOT of different types of brain corals, maybe you can find a match-up there.