Can't Keep Corals??????


Active Member
I think I found the problem. Temp is at 86. I'm home this week on vacation
:cheer: and noticed during the day the temp spiked. I have an open top with eggcrate and the AC isn't on today. I'll put a fan up and see what happens.


Staff member
How is the circulation throughout the tank, and how often are you feeding your tank? When you turn your lights off for an hour at night, and look at your tank with a flashlight and magnifying glass, what do you should see a lot of micro creatures that you don't see during the day. Do you?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
How is the circulation throughout the tank, and how often are you feeding your tank? When you turn your lights off for an hour at night, and look at your tank with a flashlight and magnifying glass, what do you should see a lot of micro creatures that you don't see during the day. Do you?

I have a protein skimmer with 3 1200 Maxijet PHs for circulation. I feed frozen emerald entree once a day, cyclopeeze every other day and krill or shrimp or scallops 2x a week. I've don't think I've ever seen any "micro creatures". I have 100lbs of LR and 110 lbs of sand (60 of which was LS). Should I add another 20lbs of LS because I don't think I have any pods but I don't know why I wouldn't.
By the way, the temp is 80. I used another thermometer to double check and the temp doesn't appear to be the problem.
I also just ordered a 6 stage RO/DI unit off that auction site. Should have in a few days so I won't have to keep using distilled water.
Originally Posted by Fishhead81

whew! i hope the temp was your prob cuz it sounds like you know what ur doing. keep up updated. :happyfish
Yeah, I thought so too :confused: