Can't keep water in sump!


I have a 75 gal. with a wet/dry system it has been set up for 8 months.For some strange reason everytime i go to add water to the sump,the water disappears into the tank.Sometimes the water level gets so low it starts sucking air.I never had this problem before.Does anybody know what i could be doing wrong?


Active Member
your return pump may be returning water to fast back into the tank. U could try turning down the GPH of the pump.


Active Member
I would think you need to check your return lines. Either they have a buildup in them and are not returning the water as fast to your sump, or else something crawled or is stuck in there. I has happened before with people here and snails getting in their return lines.


Active Member
how many gallons a day of evaperation do u have , i have to put 1.5 gallons a day in my sump or it would go dry


As soon as i put the water in it disappears,and i notice that the level in the tank gets higher.


Active Member
It is not your return lines, it is the drainage lines from your tank to the sump. Something is clogging the line. The pump is pumping more water up than what is coming down. Don't know your setup, so don't know what to tell you about cleaning the drain line(s). Hope this helps