Can't leave well enough..alone!!!


After reading this board for a year now...and having reached (and put to use) great advice from my fellow hobbiest.....I know I suffer from the same disease as SOOOO many others......I can't leave my tank alone!!!!!!!!
It's 75 live rock, but over 50#s of decorative rock, in there for a year makes the snails, crabs happy!!!! So I'm thinking.....what can I put in there NOW!!!!
How about.....a Purple Lobster, a Coral Banded and a Cleaner Shrimp....can I use some Nudibranch or Shaver brush...and how about some Urchins....pencil or purple (I was unsucessfull with a couple of feather dusters (I don't have a protein skimmer...but two books said that was OK)............what do you think???????
Am I going where it's OK.....or am I just a sick puppy?????? Terry


OK....I'm with you there....I have the 'crew' of snails, hermits, are the shrimp & urchins part of those 'variuos things" I had 2 peppermint shrimp when I got my first 5 Large Turbos.....but the shrimp went out to dinner with my Serpant Star. My fish seem very puffer is still under 4 inches and my CC star just waits for me to feed does my snowflake......I don't want to to buy $30 worth of shrimp for these guys if they're going to eat the Cleaner or Coral Banded.


Well-Known Member
you might want to try some macro algae/marine plants. Also i have a BCS with a bahama star and green brittle star. Seem to be doing fine.


I see you have this how it started with you???? I do have a 20gal FW, too...........but I LOVE those little critters in the SW!!!!!! I never dreamed a 75gal tank would be tooooo small.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by terrence
I see you have this how it started with you???? I do have a 20gal FW, too...........but I LOVE those little critters in the SW!!!!!! I never dreamed a 75gal tank would be tooooo small.

I get the same feeling with my 55g salt. 10g fresh just sits there and does fine LOL


Active Member

Originally posted by terrence
I never dreamed a 75gal tank would be tooooo small.

Well it's official, your addicted :D .
I would suggest you attend a SA (Saltwater Anonymous) program. Meeting are held all day every day... Here at :D