Cant locate specific species of puffer.....


New Member

Originally posted by Chandler04
Is that he puffer though? THe guinea fowl spotted majigger? BEAUTIFUL fish I must say, I wish I have a large enough tank. Maybe if I get that 120...:thinking:

Well I actually found him at two at the store I bought my first one from, and one at another store. Suprisingly, they both are calling him the original name I mentioned, which is a "blue sapo puffer". The one at the store that I got the first one from wants more $ and the fish is not as plump. The second store, the fish looks healthier, and costs less. And according to them, hes been there for about 2 months or more now...probably because they deal more with freshwater than salt so most of their clientele wouldnt be looking for his kind. The only thing is...the cheaper, healthier looking one...has a slight film on his eyes which worries me. I dont know if that means he could be sick or what :thinking:


Active Member
Chandler, I love your -thingymajigger responses.:D It would take less typing to spell it right, but wheres the comedy? Bravo.:D


New Member
And as far as the tank size for a puffer...I had my puffer in my 55g....and was never told that was too small....but he was the only fish in the tank.


Active Member
Thank you, just my common vocabulary. Mostly everything I think spills out onto the computer. Well, it really is an amazing fish, but that IS the rght one, right? Im definitely getting one if I get a 110. Its a beautiful looking fish, and puffers are never too finicky, are they? NOpe. Well, the filmy eyes could possibly be an infection that could be treated with penicillin or some other medicines in a qt tank. If yer gonna get one, do it right, qt him, and hell live long. Plus, u can get him cheaper, plumper, and just cure him at home.


New Member
Well, Im not sure if it is actually the same fish, the "guinea fowler" and the "blue sapo puffer". All I can tell you is they look identical except for the blue sapo being a bit lighter blue color than the guinea. As far as quarantining. I do have an empty 20g which I could fill with salt water. Ive got a spare heater I could use with it. But I dont have anything else, no extra filter, nothing to put on the bottom. Is it possible to use just a 20g of saltwater with a heater and nothing else as a temporary quarantine?? I need general info on quarantining. How long do you quarantine?? If you are quarantining a new fish before adding him to your tank, isnt it already stressful on him to be moved from the LFS, quarantining him, medicating him, then moving him again?? Any time any of my fish were ever sick, I always just medicated my whole tank since I only kept one fish in my tank at any given time. I also would like info on the process of "curing" live rock or water. Ive been hearing of people curing their LR and water and am wondering how to do this and if I should be doing this too.


Well Aysiana, to try to make up for my worthless, yet funny, earlier post. I'm certainly not an expert but in your quarantine tank you'll also need some mechanism of aerating the water. I don't think you automatically medicate your fish when purchasing. The quarantine is to monitor and make sure that the new addition doesn't exhibit any bad signs. It is less stressful on the fish, theoretically I guess, because you most likely used DT water to fill the QT, so the water parameters in the QT are essentially the same the fish will experience in the dispay tank.
I'd recommend medicating in the QT only. Medications can have unwanted 'side effects' on other organisms living in your display tank.
YOur first post mentioned that your tank was almost thru its cycle. You've "cured" the contents of your tank then, I believe.


New Member
Oh okay. Thank you for the info. The only reason I was asking about medicating this particular fish that Im thinking of buying, is because despite otherwise appearing to be healthy, this particular puffer has a slight film on his eyes and chandler04 suggested that it might be an eye infection and it would be wise to treat him in quarantine before adding him to my main tank.


Active Member
I just spoke with a very knowledgable person. Apparently the arothron family, or dogface family, of puffer, are pretty much the same. The golden dogface and the guinea dog face are both arothron meleaglis. It is pretty strange. Apparently, there are different phases of the golden dog face puffer, and the guinea fowl version is one of them. The cool part is that the guinea fowl coloration is cheaper than the golden version. There are also bluer versions, black versions, gold and white. Sounds cool. They are expensive though. Totally awesome though, I wouldnt mind having any of em. If I ordered a guinea and got a golden, thats fine by me:D


New Member
Hmmmm :notsure: I dont mean to discount the person you spoke with, but the golden and the blue spotted fish that Im talking about are definately NOT the same fish, just in different stages. Is it possible you misunderstood something?? I KNOW theyre not the same same fish because at the particular store where I found the one I want at...they have both of them, the same size and age, in the same tank. So if they were the same fish, just at different stages in its life, they wouldve both either been golden, or both been my blue spotted one, since they were the same age and size...they shouldve been in the same stage of life.
I wish I could figure out how to post pics on here, I would take a pic of them with my cam phone for you.


Active Member
Well, they develop differently is wat I meant. Some animals develop in different ways. Like, they are the sam genus, species, family, but their coloration differs. Just like...umm... I cant realate to any other animals, lol. And believe me, these guys know salt fish. I was just as confused as u guys are. But watever. :rolleyes:


New Member
So basically, youre saying that you didnt mean to say that they are the exact same fish in different stages of life, but rather, that they are very closely related, so closely, that the only real difference between them is their colorations. :yes:


Active Member
Umm, yea I guess so. I was extemely confused wen this dude talked to me. Im hoping wen I order one, that I get the one that I want, lol.